Tobold's Blog
Sunday, July 14, 2024
Ordeal of the gun

In my recent post on different electoral methods, I have apparently forgotten to mention a more rarely used method with which the USA elects its presidents. It is a sacred ritual from the middle ages, modernized with the US gun culture: You shoot one of the candidates. If he dies, that was God's will, and he wasn't worthy to become president. If he lives, he was anointed by God to the office, and he will automatically be elected. It is very similar to some of the ordeals in which knights could prove their innocence in a legal case through an ordeal by sword, just replacing the sword by gun.

Surviving a shooting has always helped political candidates. It motivates the existing supporters of the candidate to turn up on election day, it gets him some sympathy votes from the independents, and it has some more moderate opponents hang their head in shame.

There have been so many attempts and plots to kill US president's it's actually a testament to SS and LEOs their haven't been more successful assassinations.

Yesterday's was a giant fail by the SS though. Trump was millimeters from death. Shooter was allow to climb on an unsecured roof and was spotted by civilians and reported to local police minutes before the shooting. Complete failure by the security team at the event.
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