Tobold's Blog
Monday, September 30, 2024
Anybody using

I need some feedback from my readers. A long time ago I reserved the domain for this blog. But of course it can also be reached via As I am having problems with my domain provider GoDaddy, who suddenly neither accepts Paypal nor credit cards anymore, I am wondering whether the domain reservation is actually necessary. Is anyone actually using to get here? Please, let me know whether I need to find a solution for this problem, or whether I have been paying GoDaddy for no useful purpose.

I've got to tobolds.blogspot com, and that's what Feedly's RSS is subscribed to...
My bookmark is for the blog spot address and so is the top Google search result. There is some risk that someone would squat and cause trouble but the tons are to gauge.
I've only ever used the address.
Blogspot since forever, I didn't even know you had your own domain. Maybe you can just transfer it elsewhere, it's cheap anyways. Check or namecheap and you're good to go.
I get here via the blogspot address.
I use a feed reader on your blogspot address.
I read your content via a RSS feed reader and occasionally follow the link there to the blogspot address to see comments.
I use Newsblur to read your blogs gathered from this site. I have not used the site.
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