Tobold's Blog
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Travian review

What do you get if you cross "Age of Empires" with a Tamagotchi? A game not unlike Travian probably. Travian is a brower-based strategy game, which you can play for free, or get in a luxury version with added tools for a very modest fee. But unlike other games which hold your attention intensively for a short period of time, Travian belongs to a category of games you could call passive web gaming. It only needs your attention for a minute or two, but that once or twice per day, for a period of weeks or months.

In Travian, you are the chieftain of a small village in Roman times, with a choice of playing a Roman, a Gaul, or a Teuton. You control the village and a fixed number of spaces around the village. The spaces are used to gather resources: wood, clay, iron, and crops. With these resources you can either increase your resource production, or you can build buildings in the village. Just like in Age of Empires or similar RTS games, there is a building tree, containing both peaceful buildings like granaries, and buildings like barracks which allow you to build troops. Once you have troops, you can raid other villages and steal their resources, waging war against the thousands of other players on the same server.

Technically you could call Travian a real-time strategy MMO. Only that the "real time" is very, very slow. When you start any action, like increasing your resource production, it will tell you not only how many resources that action needs, but also how many minutes it will take. And during that time you can't build anything else, although you can do other game actions like sending messages to your neighbors. Then you build the next thing, and the next, and soon you will run out of resources. Looking on your map you will get an information of how many resources you gather *per hour*, and then you quickly realize that it will take a couple of hours before you have enough resources to continue.

That is where the "passive gaming" part comes into play. Most of the time Travian plays by itself. Once or several times per day you just log on, check what has happened, and use the accumulated resources to build the next thing. Now if you ever played play-by-mail games you will be familiar with that concept, and actually think of Travian as being fast. But in comparison with normal RTS games, Travian of course is extremely slow. Playing Travian is a bit like checking your e-mail, you do it regularly, but it only takes short bursts of activity.

A game of Travian takes a very long time. Your goal is to become big and powerful, maybe form an alliance with other players, and control a huge empire of many villages. The game ends when one alliance builds a level 100 Wonder of the World, but the average player will not "win" the game, just like you can't win WoW. Neither can you lose, your last village can't be taken away from you, and you will always have some minimal production. In your first 7 days in the game you can't be attacked at all, and during that time you can build a cranny, a place where you can store resources that other players can't steal from you, no matter how big the army is they raid you with.

Travian has over 100.000 registered players, with a few thousand online at any given time. Which isn't half bad for a game with simple non-animated 2D graphics. Although it doesn't take much of your time, it is strangely addictive. Check it out, it's free!
Hi Kai,

I joined the 6th server, and noticed you are there too. Once we can, let's make/join an alliance together :)

Yours friendly

I also joined the 6th server. We should all team up.

Did you know you can click the "Plus" icon and use the coupon sitting there to get 10 days of free "plus" play?
Yes, I tried the Plus trial and liked it. As the paid-for Plus service is extremely cheap, at $20 per year, I ended up paying for a year in advance. The building queues are useful, and I especially like the automatic calculation when you'll have enough resources for the next build. As Travian has no advertising, as other browser games, I only find it fair if I pay for a game I like. Thus I support the upkeep and development.

I'm on the 6th server as "Tobold", so send me a mail in-game.

By the way, I found out Travian has a lot more players than I thought. There are tons of different national Travian versions, .de, .fr, .nl, .it, .at, and (Spanish).
I don't see an in-game mail except PM on the forums? If you can figure it out, send me a note. Name's Drinkitt and Im located at -240/90
To write a message to a player you first need to go to the statistic page and type his name there, which will find him in the ranking list. Then you click on his name in that list, and you get to a window with information about that player, and a "write message" option.
raiding is a big part of being an active player and the game isnt just about building up the largest village

theres a bit more to it then you stated but did a nice job explaining
I'd like to say to you that Travian is not an MMORPG, but a MMORTS.

i play on 5 of the 7 servers now and absolutely love it

yes it is very very very adicdive and trust me at the last month you must be very cative as building to world wonder is very time-taking and difficult

You can find the wonder of the world building and how to do it on youtube lol......I have to agree this game is very addictive say goodbye to your freinds and normal life and you try to delete your account......Not a chance......I used to be on travian speed server world 3,was Commander general in good alliance,The dominion jnr,but i saw sence and gave my account away.......Highly addictive when you get into it... ;O((
Travian is an "old boys club" type of MMO that is in it's twilight.

It is the least newbie friendly MMO since "BRE" from the dark ages of the BBS days.

Documentation in game:

Doucmentation on forum:

New players seem unwelcome and unwanted.

You will be farmed and suppressed until you quit or agree to pay 10% protection money to a high ranked player.

Avoid at all cost...
Can't seem to find cheats for Travian. You spend 2 hours going through cheat sites, and its like Wow, great, no real cheats, just advice on strategy. -CT
I have to say the first server i played i thoroughly enjoyed on ukx.

It reset and played again on ukx and i have to say its quickly losing its appeal.

Cheating seems to be very much the norm on there with the Travian staff pretty much turning a blind eye to it depending on whose team you are batting for.

The only way i would played any uk server now is without using gold (the free way) as its infuriating to see blatant cheating which you report as a paying customer only to be treated like nothing by the staff.
I am using this too

with this system I don't have to worry about attacks or raid if somebody sends an attack or raid I get an sms directly to my cell phone with the attackers name and the time ;)
Thank you for your wonderful comments about our game. I hope you enjoy your stay. If you haven't signed up already, use the link below.

I have to agree with the comment already made that said "New players seem unwelcome and unwanted."

Every time I have tried to play this game I end up being obliterated by a town 4 times the size of mine. One time all I did was build up my Cranny as big as I could, not building anything else unless I had to and I would still get obliterated. Unless you started a town way back when the servers started up, or you know someone who will protect you no matter what, you can forget about it.

Figure this one out- 40 people in my town, Cranny level 5, someone with a town of 290+ attacks me = all resources down to 60. The Cranny seems to do nothing in "saving" your resources. And support just says "Build a Cranny" no matter what has happened.

I'm glad that this is a game in it's "twilight" hour, games where the devs refuse to listen to the players should just shut down and not bother.
I cannot think of a game system that more easily creates the opportunity for, and caters to the "elite" gamer. You know the kind: arrogant, with nothing but contempt for new players. The Travian forums are filled with these folks. "Noob bashing" is commonplace.

Unfortunately the structure of this game allows for early elite domination of the servers, whereby a few hundred accounts can dominate the entire national / regional server. I say accounts, and not players, as in many cases the accounts are "dual" or "triple" accounts, where 2-3 players run a single account 24/7. The administrators of Travian have done nothing to counter this play style.

The following quote from the original post is completely incorrect:
"It only needs your attention for a minute or two, but that once or twice per day, for a period of weeks or months."

The players who play to win, play 24/7. They have discovered a major flaw in the system. New accounts that are created then abandoned by inactive / curious players continue to produce resources for 14 days. These "farms" are perpetually raided for resources, and for those who can put in the time, (24/7 raiding) village growth is 5 times that of someone who checks in twice a day for a minute or 2. If you play this way, you will not survive.

The structure of the game promotes a culture of indiscriminate raiding, once the major imbalances in population have been achieved by the "elite" players. Accounts that "sim city" or build up through internal resource development usually end up "0 poped" - essentially killed - by the "elite's." Players starting a server "late" - only 2-3 weeks after its start time for servers that last over 300 days, puts most players at such a severe disadvantage that successful village development will only occur if you "get lucky" in your spawn and are not placed anywhere near one of the "elite" players home bases.

It is a game in which the absence of mercy is a virtue, and is well rewarded.

The administrators of the game have created a fee system such that the speed at which your villages develop can be increased by sending them cash. As this is a crucial component of competition, people who don't use it will be at a disadvantage. So while "free", if you play to win, you will pay to win.

A poorly designed game, and a poor community of players. But then the Romans were the original Fascists after all.
Travian is by far the WORST game I've played on-line in a long time. As many others have mentioned once a server gets up and running (read as over 2 weeks old) there is no way for any casual gamer (read as someone not willing to pay for Gold) to have any fun. You get farmed from the get go (read as GRIEVED)! It was no fun what-so-ever. I gave it a month of my time, playing casually ever day but using up all my resources and turns. Needless to say all I accomplished was giving other players things (not by choice) and having my crops destroyed and my army decimated. It is by far the WORST game to play casually. DO NOT PLAY TRAVIAN!
Have to agree with those that have said this is the worst game ever. As soon as I was out of protection I was attacked continuously. After a few days of this they gave up when they weren't getting any resources and I actually managed to build a small army of 400 troops. Then I came under notice again, this time the guy sent 700 troops, plus catapults from all 5 of his villages. This is going on continuously.

In an effort to give the game a fair shot I created an account on one of the new servers within two weeks of it's start. It's exactly the same.

Advice from the forums to new players complaining is 'tough luck, delete and start again'. I've deleted both my accounts, but I won't be starting again.

Not a game for new players, you'll be hounded, bullied and farmed until you give up.
You guys who "hate" this game just didn't know how to play. There are so many inactive accounts and so many villages to raid that if you make it a waste of time for a bigger player to raid you (i.e. build crannies), they'll stop. Because there are plenty of others to raid. Why would a player send units to raid you (that takes hours in some cases) to get back zero return? And if you have troops, just send them somewhere else for the time being so that when the attack comes they're not home. Troops who aren't at base cannot be lost.

I played w/o any type of advance knowledge of any of this and just dodged attacks until my population was up to a certain level. Once you get to 150-200, nobody really attacks you because they assume you've crannied up and built defenses. They wouldn't want to take a needless risk in raiding you.

Once you get to a certain pop, you join an alliance. Then nobody will raid you, because they assume you have mates who will provide defenses for you. Once you get to an advanced level, it's hard to take down a village so the attacks are much more calculated and less frequent.
"If you keep getting attacked, just send your troops away just before the attack, and you can survive!", say the noob-bashing elite people with no lives.

What a useless piece of "advice"!

What if the "elite" asshat 6 squares away sends a raid of 1000 troops at me while I am sleeping, or flying cross country, or at the movies WITH MY GIRLFRIEND?

I can't evacuate my troops in time. And I can't pre-evacuate troops to arrive even if there are no inocming raids to arrive just before I can log in again, because I HAVE A LIFE, and life does not follow a schedule.

"Build a cranny!"

Also useless advice. Crannies can be destroyed. Crannies only partially protect you from the casual raider, not from the inevitable noob-hunting asshat who destroys for fun and/or Hero points, rather than resources.

"Buy Gold!"
Sorry, I am not funding a game that has a rep for ignoring new players, even the ones who pay. Nor am I into funding a virtual rape-fest for a bunch of people who are only "elite" in Travian, because other games that require skill are too hard for them.

I can't attend to this game 24/7 unless YOU pay ME to do it. Travian is not a game, it is a JOB. If your strong suit is endurance, and you have no sense of fair play, nor skill, Travian is the "game" for you.

Do not waste your time trying out this game. It is only fun to the "elite" noob-bashers who sleep in front of their PCs amid a pile of Twinkie wrappers and empty Diet Coke bottles, yet are still so pathetic they can'T hack it in other MMORPGs or any RPGs that require skill, imagination, talent, etc.

I'll be busy kicking ass in games that are fun because they require skill.
this game is awesome, i cant hate on it. But truth is that you can get farmed and it looses its fun. This made me look for another game and i stumbled across gpotatos heroes of gaia. This game is like travian meets the heroes series, but it has a fair protection against farming.
I have been playing Travian for the better part of the last year and a half, signed up on 3 servers, got farmed in one and still going strong in the other two.

I wouldn't consider myself an elite player or an aggressive raider nor would I call myself noob-basher, I have helped other people when I could and other people have helped me when they could.

From my past experiences with the game I have found out that playing this game needs certain skills, but not the kind you would normally need in an online game. you need to be either very aggressive and have a lot of time to raid and to keep your troops safe or you can be diplomatic and try to make friends and earn your bread by farming and trading, which is what I have been doing on one account and now I have 16 villages and an army of 45,000 troops and my rank is below 100 and all around me are people with whom I have bonded deeply and on whom I rely on.

But some of the writers here are quite right, this is not a game for the casual gamer, you are going to have to spend a lot of time online to tend to your villages and also to manage your neighbors, and as the game progresses, the amount of time you will need to spend online will dramatically increase, you will have to dedicate a big chunk of your life to this game or else you'd better opt for another game.

And what do you get in return? well, for me it was the chance to witness the human nature in action in its rawest form. it's a micro community with all the complications of real life, and more. here someone you betray will not be able to come to your door and look you in the eye or do you harm so you can really put your personality to the test and see what you're really made of, and also get to know the other types of personalities out there and learn how to manage them.

And now some tips for the newbies :

1. join a server early, the first week is always the best, there's always some new server starting somewhere so you won't have any problems finding a fresh server.

2. Remember that each race has its own unique characteristics, so choose one according to your playing style

3. decide which road you're taking and do it fast, if you are the raiding type, make sure to get a few troops ready before your neighbor comes out of protection and attack him/her as soon as the protection period is over. and then move on to the next neighbor until you're the only one with troops in your neighborhood, and then keep attacking them so no one gets the chance to train troops. I wouldn't recommend this strategy to a newbie though. there's a lot of skill and experience involved in successful and profitable raiding.

And if you're the farming/trading type, try to make friends and avoid raids by simply messaging the attacker and offering some kind of truce, usually if you point out the fact that war costs a lot, you will see that your opponent will have the same idea.

I have found out that 9 out of 10 times your neighbors will appreciate a well written and to the point letter and leave you alone or even better befriend you and help you get strong.

4. Don't join an alliance only for the sake of joining one, make your decision based on how close the members' villages are to you and if their playing style matches yours, if you're a raider you will be the troublemaker in a peaceful alliance and annoy the other members and if you're a farmer/trader and you join a raiding alliance you will get kicked out for not doing any raiding.

5. Don't train soldiers early in the game if you don't plan to raid, instead make a couple crannies and keep your warehouses empty by constantly spending on your infrastructure until you are sure that you will not be attacked on a regular basis. then you can go on and train an offensive or defensive army and put it to good use.

Well just my two cents, hope you all enjoy this wonderful game.
Avoid Travian if you value your life.

The game has no off button, everything you worked for over the span of the 1 year long server can be taken away while you sleep.

More importantly still, the game's rules are not hardwired in. They are "administered" by a Multihunter, who is in reality just a player from another server who needed to feel powerful somehow, and got a job as an unpaid Travian "cop".

We are having this problem on .com4 right now with an MH named ChrisVC, who has chosen to support his friends from another server, on this one where he is an "impartial" judge.

Whats even better, any complaints filed about corrupt officials with the company, are routed back to that corrupt official to review and responde to.

Hows that for a system?

If you think this doesnt sound that bad, keep in mind that this overempowered player can delete accounts that have been paid for with real life cash money.

Can and has.

Do yourself a favor. Find another game.
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