Tobold's Blog
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Signs of life from Darkfall

Darkfall is a MMORPG in development by Aventurine, a greek startup company. As this has been "under development" with no release date announced since 2001, there have been rumors that it is only vaporware. But apparently the problem is only that a relatively small developer is trying to produce a big game, and that takes time.

So Tasos Flambouras (I'm not making that up, that's his real name!), the Associate Producer wanted to let me and my readers know about the state of the game, and sent me the link to the latest in-game footage. That's a 50 MB zipped Windows media file showing how the game and the characters will look, and how combat will go. Darkfall's claim to fame is horse-backed combat, to which apparently they now also added combat between ships, with the ability to sink them.

Looks pretty enough, but of course it is impossible to say how good the game is just from looking at the graphics. The gameplay is far more important, and we don't know anything about it yet. Well, maybe something to keep in mind, I doubt this will come out this year.
Not perfectly related, but I love Greek names. Amadeus Thurston is a friend of mine. *Grin*
As a Greek, I have to say... that his name is pretty funny even to one who speaks the language.
As I understand it Darkfall has always been aimed at being extremely PvP-oriented... Probably not your bag.
To get an idea why many consider this game vapor ware you have to look at the history of information. Here is an interview dated May 3rd 2004. At the bottom the person interviewed says “We plan to release DarkFall with 2004.”

On the official forums you can see game announcements were being made as far back as August 2001

This link in August 2003 indicated closed beta would start in September with “most core features implemented”

In July of 2004 the lack of updating was said to be because “Development is our first priority and time is very-very tight.” A good plan for a small team to put development first but unrealistic to be in time very tight mode for 3 years.

In September of 2005 every one got very excited because they started signing up guilds for a “clan beta”. The expectation or at least hope at that time was for this clan beta to begin by year end or soon after. Two years later still has no happened.

So January 2007 we get a video showing flashing graphic scenes. No game interface is shown at all. It is enough to make same foam at the mouth in anticipation for a few more months.
@Pendan:They already released pictures with Interface/Paperdoll...

Darkfall will come, perhaps it takes time but they are to near to beta to stop and dont seem to have funding problems.

@Tobold: Keep an eye on this game ( it will rock ) but i dont think you would get along with the pvp-system(fullloot etc.) which is the main aspect of the game..
--> Not really a game for Carebears..
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