Tobold's Blog
Friday, February 16, 2007
WoW warrior talent builds

Once upon a time, when World of Warcraft was young, choosing a talent build for my first character on the European servers, a warrior, was easy. While there were three branches of the talent tree, only the arms tree had an extra attack top talent, mortal strike, and the other two branches had very bad top level talents. So nearly every warrior put the majority of his talent points into the arms tree, and so did I: 31 points in arms, 5 points if fury, and 15 points in protection. I leveled up all the way to 60 being mostly arms spec'd.

Then patch 1.60 did a complete revamp of the warrior talent tree, and gave a good extra attack talent to every branch of the tree. So because protection now had shield slam, I just put 11 points in arms to get tactical mastery, 5 points in fury, and 35 points in protection. At that time I was in a small guild, and often served a tank for guild groups to 5-man dungeons or 10-man raids, and being protection spec'd was perfect for that.

But then my warrior semi-retired, because I got sick and tired of always standing around unable to start a group because there was no healer available. I made a priest, and that one became my "main". Later I changed to a raiding guild, and they invited me as a priest, having too many warriors already. Especially as a tank there was no future, because like in many raiding guilds there was a limited "tank list", because it is so important to have a few very well equipped tanks instead of lots of mediocre ones for a raid.

If you don't tank anywhere, a protection build is pretty bad. So I changed to a dual-wielding fury build, to get into the occasional small raid as dps warrior, for solo grinding, and for a bit of PvP. It soon became obvious that I didn't enjoy being a dps warrior in a raid, so I didn't do it very often, but I kept the build.

Patch 2.0 again totally revamped the warrior talent tree, plus made it a lot easier to achieve epic items by PvP. So now I went back to an arms build, with mortal strike again, and the new top talent endless rage. This worked pretty well for PvP, and I grinded my way up to a High Warlord's Bludgeon, an epic one-handed mace with nearly 60 dps. I kept this spec when Burning Crusade came out, and picked up a Hellreaver polearm in Hellfire Ramparts. I soloed quests a bit using that weapon, and now I'm level 61. In the few Hellfire Ramparts runs I did, I used the epic PvP mace and shield for "tanking".

But somehow tanking without a protection talent build doesn't feel right. I like tanking, and I like 5-man instance groups, even if you can't do those all day. And so I'm thinking of changing specs again, moving towards a build with the majority of points in protection. The problem with this plan is that I'm a bit worried that by making myself a great tank I'm gimping myself for soloing. I'll need to play around with a talent calculator to find a good build. I'm sure I want to take protection at least until shield slam, but I'm not sure whether I should take focused rage and devastate as well, and then have very few points left for arms and fury. Anybody here tried a build with 41+ points in protection and can tell me whether leveling up soloing is still viable? Which low-level arms and fury talents would you consider to be essential? Right now I'm only level 61, so I only have 52 points to spend.
Not sure if "focused rage" is worth it but "devastate" I like quite a bit even when soloing - extra strike, fast cooldown and reasonable damage (provided you have "sundered armor" before).

Soloing is slower than with other builds, of course, but I do not find it too bad.
Leveled all the way from 60 to 70 as full protection. Was 3rd in my guild to reach 70. Could been faster as another spec but I got soo many invites to groups that I've done all normal 5man except the tempest keep ones before i reached 70. Quested the same way as Tobold, cleaning out 1 area before moving to next.

Grinding mobs are slower as protection, but it was very doable.

Actually the best way to do quests are in 3man group. Mage/warrior/priest. Yikes that was fast XP from quests. We cleaned out almost all quests in the forrest in one long evening.

-Gnurken AD-horde-EU
Yep, I've got full protection spec. I don't do a lot of soloing, but when I do, it's perfectly easy to solo.

It's not quick - feels more like playing a Pallie than a Warrior - but a full-prot tree Warrior is damn near invulnerable, which is nice. You just end up stunning mobs a lot, and using Shield Block to proc Revenge.

(At least, that's my tactic. I may be t3h suX0r...)
The main tank I dungeon crawl with was protection since level 60 and didn't seem to have any problems grinding between dungeons to hit 70. But honestly he really didn't need to spec protection until the level 70 dungeons. The only boss before Shadow Labs that even gave us a little bit of problem in keeping the tank alive was Rokmar the Crackler from the Slave Pens.

I'd wait until 70 before going all the way protection.
I am too full protection spec for solo, after trying various builds the long fight time and abilities to kick spells etc are a real bonus, also any muliti person questing is a doddle because you just tank and let heals and dps fly.
I'm currently specced 11 arms, 0 fury, 43 prot. There seems to be a real shortage of tanks, around level 60 at least. I've gotten 2 or 3 good blue socketed drops out of ramparts. The net effect is that I'm leveling fast enough to suit myself, and I'm getting some nice gear in the instances.

I was specced arms, but I've found the instance runs go waaayy more smoothly now that I'm prot. I require a fraction of the healing that I did, and that means lots less aggro for the healer. Good times all around.
Tobold, I am in the exact same boat as you on my warrior alt. I like haveing a good prot build for instances, but I hate to gimp myself for solo play. Fury DW is essentially the best solo spec out there and is a ton of fun to play, but I feel like 15 prot point at a minimum or 17 at best would be a good leveling build.

Go fury as your primary tree, take prot talents to 5/5 definance and 2/2 improved taunt, and arms 5/5 for the % parry increase. Its a really solid tanking/ dps hybred build. (5/30/17)

At each level, add points to fury until at 70 you end up 5/39/17. Its an amazing offtank build for raiding, and leaves a lot of dps capability for soloing or serving as a dps fury warrior in a raid. You will have no problem main tanking any instance prior to the heroics, and with devent gear should have no problem there either.
I finally went for a 12/5/35 build (at level 61) which you can check out at
I tank with a 41arms/20prot build. Just get the talents that improve defense and armor, the first tier of the shield spec, then get improved taunt and the talent that increases agro from moves in defensive stance. Then go through arms down to the last talent which increases rage gained from melee by 25% make sure you get Second Wind and Weapon mastery

You’re still durable with this spec, plus you still have increased agro and imp taunt, so tanking isn’t exactly hard. You lose a bit of the durability from various talents in a full prot build, but it’s made up by being immune to disarm, having your crits hit harder and cause melee damage to go up by 3%, more rage generated from melee, your weapon spec(swords give an extra attack 10% of the time), plus second wind is incredible. It heals you after getting stunned, which happens a lot. :P

And at the end of the day you can throw on your DPS gear and a two hander and kill enemies in less than a year. I’ve tanked through Shadow Labs with this spec and haven’t had any problems at all.
what do you think about this :)
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